The increasingly strict consumer demand for energy availability has led to the need for rapid detection of feeder faults, isolation of the fault location and switching of consumers to alternative power supply lines in the overhead medium voltage grid. The Remote Terminal DT-20RN is part of a range of remote terminals designed specifically for remote monitoring and control of switch disconnectors  in the overhead medium voltage grid. Depending on the type of grid (insulated or grounded) The Remote Terminal, apart from the basic remote control function of the disconnecting device, can also detect locally and remotely the type of feeder failure (short circuit, ground fault) and fault location using a Fault Indicator.

Measurement, automation (detection, isolation and restoration of the grid) and registration functions can also be included in the monitoring function. The operation of the disconnecting device is carried out by means of an motor drive located directly on the shaft of the disconnecting device locally or remotely (radio link or optical connection) from the control center with the SCADA system. Since the Remote Terminal is a programmable microprocessor system that uses standard input / output circuits and communication protocols, it can be connected to all standard SCADA systems and disconnecting  devices.

The application of Remote Terminals DT-20RN for disconnecting  devices and Remote Terminals DT-10TS for substations 10 (20)/0,4 kV enables automation of medium voltage smart grids. The modularity of the Remote Terminal (selection of control, measurement, indication, automation and registration functions) enables the gradual construction of the remote control system in accordance with the development of the grid. Grid automation with Remote Terminals ensures fast fault detection and grid reconnection with minimal interruption in consumer supply and low maintenance costs.

  • control and monitoring up to two devices (more on request)
  • in addition to the basic function of remote control of the disconnecting  device, additional functions can also be included: fault indication, automation in case of grid failure and measurements
  • depending on the type of grid, it is possible to include various fault or power and voltage sensors in the system
  • all control and signal elements are installed in an external assembly cabinet that is intended for mounting on a steel tower or concrete column
  • the control of the disconnecting device is carried out by means of an motor drive directly positioned on the shaft of the device.
  • communication between the control center (SCADA system) and the Remote Terminal is possible through various media (radio link, optical connection, GPRS)
  • power supply of Remote terminal and motor drive using voltage measuring transformer and integrated UPS
  • MODBUS RTU (TCP) or IEC 60870-5-101 (104) or IEC 61850 (optional) communication protocol
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